Five subspecies are in this species complex. The typical one is
a Central European element, while the other four are endemic for
various regions from the northern Balkans with the exception
of ssp. bansagensis which occurs only in south-western
Romania (mountains and adiacent hills from south-western
Transylvania and the western Meridional Carpathians). Apart from
Centaurea phrygia L. and its close relatives this species
never acts like a ruderal and is a characteristic species for
primary well preserved grasslands, usually on rocky substratum.
The typical species stenolepis seems to be frequent in
Romania only in Zarand Mountains and Lipova Tableland, and very rare
in Transylvania. It is a mesic taxon from the forests' clearings.
Mentioned also from many counties in Moldavia the exact presence of
this species there sould be checked due to confusions with some
varieties of Centaurea phrygia with recurved involucram
Images with this species from Central Europe (The Czech Republic)
can be seen here, here, here, here and here.
Piatra Cetii calcareous massif, Trascau Mountains, Alba
county, September 2005.
dr. Alexandru Badarau,

Pictures taken from between Pietroasa and Podeni, Cluj
county, on 29th of July 2006 on mesic and mesoxeric meadow-steppe
grasslands developed on massive gypsum rocks.
dr. Alexandru Badarau,
A comparison in this photo can be seen between the ruderal
Centaurea phrygia (the two anthodia to the left) collected
nearby the location and Centaurea stenolepis (the two
anthodia from the right)
Pictures taken in August 2009 in the same place as above. Sadly,
in July and August 2010 the local population seems to be
totally vanished,
dr. Alexandru Badarau,
Pictures taken in Piatra Cetii natural reservation area,
Trascau Mountains, Alba county, on the plateau of the calcareous
massif there on 20th of August 2006.
dr. Alexandru Badarau,

Podeni, Cluj county at "Ungureasca" a small 1000 sqm
population surrounded completely by a ruderal population of
Centaurea phrygia (at the contact there is a clear
complete ring of hybrids). 13th of September 2010.
dr. Alexandru Badarau,

The image above belongs to var. fastigiata (Grec.) stat.
nov. prov.

Cladova valley, upstream the village of Cladova, Arad county,
August 2010.
These rich populations from Cladova valley and from the forest
patches immediately to the west (Minis, Paulis, Siria) - that means
the western border of Zarand Mountains - and also from the
Zarand Corridor along Crisul Alb river to the north, were considered
by Prodan and Nyarady (1950) as a 'mesophytic variety of
Centaurea simonkaiana Hayek' named Centaurea
simonkaiana Hayek var. fusca Prodan et Nyarady. These
plants has nothing to do with the xeric-mesoxeric local endemic
plant from Gurahont - Baltele Hill in concerning morphology and
ecology and they are in fact Centaurea stenolepis A.
Kerner. This later species is however mentioned from the same area
as frequent by the authors of a later study upon the flora and
vegetation of Zarand Mountains (though they did not delete the so
called mesophytic variety of Centaurea simonkaiana from
their inventory).
dr. Alexandru Badarau,

A small patch of forest combined with a Robinia
plantation east of Cuvin, Arad county, at the very western
border of the Zarand Mountains
dr. Alexandru Badarau,
